
Damnatio He wants someone to mistreat him but then he wants to run He wants someone to mistreat him once again but he just wants to run run away into the fog of his war. Image - "Resilience" (2022) - gouache on paper 24x32 cm


Spectrum in the night

Spectrum in the night Like a spectre I’m off to the streets of the night burning in the arson of sex.. There will be a soul that will take me far away from the horror of promiscuous orgasms? Faint illusions of power.. Arcane company of felines empathic friends bearers of divine messages.. and in the delirium of art I believed miserable consolation of me unholy chasm of lucrative fornicators and kingdom of unclean wickedness. in the mist of the ether the soul screams far away towards worlds of rapt shadows in hermetic postures and figures wrapped in laconic looks.. borders on the imagistic. Image - "Woman in the dark" (1999) - gouache on paper 43x53 cm

Spectrum in the night